Erin Noonan In the News
Marblehead Current: Q&A with Erin Noonan
“Securing the long-term financial health of Marblehead is going to take proactive leadership. It will require us to find the perfect balance between leveraging strategic new growth while keeping the character of our town and the level of services residents deserve. It will mean healthy oversight and routine reviews to ensure maximum operational efficiency across our departments. We need to evaluate if there are areas to outsource or cost-share with neighboring towns. We need to make smart investments that create great returns. “
Marblehead Weekly News: Erin Noonan has unfinished business
““I had a feeling that town government had become a little reactive and stagnant…,” said Noonan. “Raising my own family here, I really want to see this town prosper for my kids and future generations, and we need proactive leadership on the board.”
Current: In Split Vote Board Awards Liquor License…
“Noonan said she voted in favor of awarding the alcohol license to the brewery based on its potential for economic revitalization, community impact and the scale of the operation. She believed that the brewery could serve as “an anchor establishment,” attracting customers, benefiting abutting businesses and contributing to the overall growth of the business district.”
Marblehead Current: …Nye Stands alone in opposition to override
Both Noonan and Singer voiced support for pursuing opportunities for new growth prudently to ease the burden on taxpayers.
“It’s a fine balance between allowing for new growth and strategic development in town to mitigate that tax burden while keeping the character of the town and providing the service level that residents have come to expect,” Noonan said.
Marblehead Current: Discord among Select Board over COVID relief funds
Select Board members Erin Noonan and Alexa Singer commended the ARPA working group but voiced a mutual desire for the Select Board to reassess the established criteria.
Marblehead Beacon: Select Board Perspectives: Better Governance? Or Good Enough Already?
Erin Noonan: "These articles were a referendum on residents’ desire for more open and accessible governing in Town and enjoyed overwhelming support from the voters at Town Meeting. I wholeheartedly endorse the implementation of these articles, particularly those with no budget implications. The recommendations also align with my continued requests for the Board to take up and openly discuss codifying standard operating procedures and policies as is best practice in the Commonwealth for all elected and appointed boards, as well as corporations, educational institutions, non-profits and more. There are current storage capacity issues with hosting our own recordings, however we could link to our wonderful MHTV’s page for access to the video recordings."
Marblehead Beacon: …Budget Shortfall Projected
“Select Board member Erin Noonan spoke following Kezer’s presentation, noting her concern that “peer towns require allocations to stabilization funds so they have a safety net and budgeting policies that would prevent us from getting, quite honestly, this far.” The Town, according to Select Board Chair Moses Grader, only established such a fund in 2018 and is in the process of funding it. Noonan also noted her concern about the short timeline now remaining to present a “vetted” override proposal to the taxpayers. Grader said that Town officials will have to work “like professional athletes” to accomplish that.”